Collaborations and Partnerships

Bank Partnership

United Nations Global Compact

Clar is a signatory member of the UN Global Compact since December 2022. Supporting the UN Global Compact goes hand-in-hand with our core values and is a great way to create strong networks with other companies to gain and share insight. It is a strategic tool for our sustainability efforts and a way of mitigating risks while pursuing business opportunities.

Official website


Clar is committed to promoting an inclusive and respectful environment in organizations, where talent is valued regardless of their identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

Official website

Clar works to establish global financing rails connecting banks with consumers worldwide, increasing transparency and reducing friction between consumers and lenders by digitizing the global consumer credit market.

With head office in Stockholm, Sweden, Clar has a global reach through the platforms: Prestalo, Tasleefa, FinanZero, Creditiz, Akredo, Loando and Lendela. Up to date more than 200 active partnerships with banks and other financial institutions have been established, engaging 200+ full time employees across 8+ countries.

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