Brazil's number one marketplace for loans. FinanZero has simplified the way to apply for all types of consumer loan products in Brazil, offering a cost free marketplace that allows its customers to compare loans online and choose the option that fits their needs with the lowest interest rate and best terms.
With 220 million people living in the country, of which 150 million are internet users (a growing number), Brazil offers one of the largest markets in the world. On top of that, the market is currently undergoing a rapid digital transformation - resulting in an opportunity to have a huge impact on adding value to people’s lives. Clar wants to be a part of that journey.
São Paulo
Clar works to establish global financing rails connecting banks with consumers worldwide, increasing transparency and reducing friction between consumers and lenders by digitizing the global consumer credit market.
With head office in Stockholm, Sweden, Clar has a global reach through the platforms: Prestalo, Tasleefa, FinanZero, Creditiz, Akredo, Loando and Lendela. Up to date more than 200 active partnerships with banks and other financial institutions have been established, engaging 200+ full time employees across 8+ countries.
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